Best Waterfalls In Lumajang Near Tumpaksewu

Tumpaksewu Waterfall become the most popular tourist destination while you are visiting East Java. But this is not the only waterfall in the area, there are a few hidden waterfalls with stunning views not too far from Tumpaksewu..? Here is the list of the hidden gemfalls that you should not miss.

Kapas Biru Waterfall

Kapas Biru Waterfall is a perfect day trip from Malang in East Java, Indonesia. Kapas Biru actually translates to Blue Cotton, which will totally make sense when you see it for yourself! This waterfall hike, located in Lumajang, can easily be combined with other waterfalls in the area, including the very popular Tumpak Sewu. 

Hiking to Kapas Biru is a crazy adventure. It is easy to find the start of the trail, which is just behind the parking lot. The trail slowly descends before becoming really steep. You must be in good physical condition to do this hike because you will have to climb down a vertical ladder! After climbing down the ladder, the trail will continue along rolling hills. Eventually, you will pass through a small rice field. 

Kapas Biru Waterfall, Lumajang, East Java - Image Credit
Once you pass the rice field, you will start to hear rushing water. Just follow the trail and you will soon use a bridge to cross over a stream. The waterfall is just a few minutes away. Getting to Kapas Biru should take you less than 45 minutes. Once you reach the waterfall, there are plenty of cool spots to take photos. The waterfall is absolutely stunning. It’s just one huge, powerful stream of water plummeting down into a pool of water. The waterfall is set amongst an orange rock wall and is surrounded by lush greenery. There are a few huts nearby that you can hang out in and watch the waterfall. The closer you get to the waterfall, the wetter it gets! You can easily get drenched if you stand too close to the waterfall. 

Kabut Pelangi Waterfall

Kabut Pelangi Waterfall is a short drive from Coban Sewu, which is the most popular waterfall in the region. It is located in the Pronojiwo Village. We actually visited Kabut Pelangi in the afternoon after visiting Coban Sewu and Goa Tetes earlier in the day.

Kabut Pelangi Waterfall, Lumajang, East Java - Image Credit
The trek down to Kabut Pelangi takes about 25 minutes in total. The trail is paved a lot of the way and when it’s not the conditions aren’t very difficult. It’s a straightforward trail until you reach the river. Here you need to make one or two crossings. You may as well get your shoes wet here because you will probably get them wet later. As you work your way upstream you will come across a waterfall on your left. It is beautiful but not Kabut Pelangi Waterfall. It is just the pre-show.

You will get a glimpse of Kabut Pelangi as you round the final corner. The 100m+ Kabut Pelangi is an incredible sight. The force it generates when it hits the pool below is incredible and this is definitely not a place you want to go swimming!
There are some great big rocks at the base of the falls, perfect for taking it all in and snapping some photos from. My favorite part about Kabut Pelangi Waterfall was the lush plants at the base of the falls.

Coban Sriti Waterfall

You will begin the journey to Coban Sriti by following the path down towards the valley floor. Depending on conditions you may be walking on dry dirt, slippery mud, or a mixture of both. Be sure to watch your step either way as you are heading down since the terrain can be a bit tricky from time to time as well. It is easy to slip if you aren’t paying attention so just be careful! As you are heading further down, you are sure to be surrounded by immense greenery in every direction. Various trees and foliage will be on either side of the path etched into the land.

Coban Sriti Waterfall, Lumajang, East Java - Image Credit
You will soon come across a man made bamboo bridge to help get you over some of the trickier parts of the terrain here. It goes to show you how much effort the locals put in over the years to make Coban Sriti (and the other waterfalls) as accessible as can be. Now, while I would not consider it all too much up to standard, it is impressive for the region. After crossing the bamboo bridge, you will begin to get some stunning views into the valley itself. The towering greenery filled cliff sides will be in either direction, and you will be able to see just the mist of the waterfall, which is further around the bend.

You can’t get too close to the waterfall here as there is a fast-moving river and a lot of slippery rocks around the area. You can simply enjoy the view from afar and take in the beautiful Coban Sriti. Once all is done down below, it is time to head back up in the same direction you came. While the trek down took me around 30 minutes, the trek up was a bit shorter. Although you are now going uphill, it is actually easier to navigate and keep your balance.

Travel Tips

Some travel tips hike to explore these awesome waterfalls..! Here are some quick tips to help you plan your trip for a waterfall-chasing trip in Lumajang.
  • Combine with nearby waterfalls like Tumpaksewu. It’s a good start to do your waterfall chasing trip, best to do this hike on a day trip in the area.
  • Bring extra water. The trail backup is exhausting! Always have extra water. 
  • Protect your gear. The closer you get to the waterfall, the wetter it gets. A raincoat is helpful to protect your clothes from getting wet.
  • Be physically prepared. You will have to climb up and down a vertical ladder, cross the river, and trek off the beaten path.
  • Book accommodation if you want to visit more than one waterfall listed above. We can only able to visit 1 waterfall in a day if you start in the afternoon.
Contact us for more travel tips about how to get to Lumajang and where to stay around the waterfall. You can also read our travel guide section.

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